
The website AUTO FOREVER is published by the company LP2M, a French private limited company whose registered office is at 78 avenue Jean Jaurès, 69007 Lyon (France), registered with the Lyon Trade and Companies Register under number 814 420 311, represented by Mr Laurent PENNEQUIN in his capacity as director (referred to as “the Company”).

Director of publication and site administrator: PENNEQUIN Laurent

Contact e-mail address: cm at sign auto-forever.com

Phone: +33 437 65 58 84

Hosting provider: WP Serveur 7 rue de la Cité Foulc 30000 Nîmes (France)

ISSN number: 2491-3715

Publisher of Site content: the author of the Content (either the Company or any third party contributing to the Site’s Content)

Access to the website available at the address en.auto-forever.com (hereinafter “the Site”), its use and access to the products and services offered to visitors and clients are governed by the General Terms and Conditions of Use, the General Terms and Conditions of Sale, the privacy policy and cookies management policy shown below, and by all applicable laws. By accessing and using the Site, you accept these conditions and policies unreservedly and in full.

All these conditions and policies are:

  • Those in effect on the date of use of the Site by the visitor or customer;
  • The property of the Company: any reproduction, even partial, is therefore strictly prohibited;
  • Subject to French law. They are written in French. Where they have been translated into other languages, only the French version will be deemed authoritative.

Any provisions in these conditions and policies that may contradict French mandatory law will be severable and that fact that any such clause may be found null and void, in whole or in part, will not affect the validity of the rest of the clause concerned, nor the other clauses in these terms, conditions and policies.

In the event of a dispute between the visitor or customer and the Company concerning the interpretation, performance or termination of these conditions and policies, the Company strongly encourages the visitor or customer to contact the Company in the first instance, to try to reach an amicable resolution. The visitor or customer will explain the dispute over which it is contacting the Company, with the relevant supporting documents. The Company undertakes to respond to the visitor or customer as soon as possible, based on the information provided, to reach an amicable resolution. The Company hereby informs the visitor or customer that alternative dispute resolution procedures, such as mediation, are available. Should it prove impossible to reach an amicable resolution, the Company and the visitor or customer may refer the dispute to the French courts. The terms of this article do not deprive consumers of their right to bring legal proceedings nor their right to defence in the case of legal proceedings, in their country of residence or domicile, not their right to consumer protection measures as defined by the applicable legislation in their country of residence.

The Company reserves the right to amend these conditions and policies at any time, subject to informing the visitor or customer in advance. Latest update: 3 June 2020.